Digital benevolence: What drives TikTok users to donate to online beggars?


  • Reza Kurniawan LSPR Institute of Communication and Business
  • Irwana Hidayat LSPR Institute of Communication and Business
  • Stefanny Indah Rheksa LSPR Institute of Communication and Business


Cultural Implications, Digital Philanthropy, Donation Behavior, Online Begging, TikTok


This study explores the motivations behind TikTok users’ decisions to donate to online beggars, a phenomenon that has emerged as a form of digital charity on the platform. With TikTok’s algorithm curating emotionally engaging content, users often encounter live streams where individuals solicit donations through personal narratives. Through in-depth interviews with seven TikTok users who have donated in the past three months, this research examines aspects of donation behavior, such as the role of empathy, social dynamics, impulsive tendencies, and perceptions of authenticity. Gendered patterns also emerge, with some users expressing a preference for supporting female content creators. The study delves into the interplay between emotional engagement, critical reflection, and cultural contexts in shaping these interactions, highlighting the duality of digital philanthropy as a space for both compassionate action and caution against exploitation. The findings also bring attention to questions surrounding transparency, authenticity, and user protection on platforms like TikTok, suggesting areas for further inquiry and discussion. This research contributes to the broader understanding of modern digital giving, focusing on the ethical and societal considerations social media platforms face in fostering meaningful charitable activities.


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How to Cite

Kurniawan, R., Hidayat, I., & Rheksa, S. I. (2025). Digital benevolence: What drives TikTok users to donate to online beggars?. Linguistics and Culture Review, 9(1), 23-34.



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