The morphological processes of Balish
Balinese English which is in this article called Balish has an important role in the world of tourism, namely as one of the most important capital for workers in the field of tourism, and they use Balish. Tourism workers are classified as lower class such as merchants, masseurs, parking attendants, shop assistants or kiosks, etc. Balish lexicon has gone through morphological processes. These are the proofs that linguistics has been affected, particularly in the field of morphology. Therefore, this article aims to find Balish lexicon along with their morphological processes. The data were taken from tourism workers at Ubud and Tanah Lot. Documentation method and note-taking technique were applied in collecting the data. Yule’s theory of word formation (2020) and morphological processes theory from O’Grady & Archibald (2016) were applied in analyzing the data through descriptive-qualitative method. The results of the research show that there are 12 types of morphological processes found, namely compounding, blending, borrowing, clipping, conversion, initialism, acronym, inflection and derivation, coinage, and multiple processes. The research proves that morphological process is still relevant and has always been the fundamental base in the formation of new lexemes in a constantly advancing world.
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