Indigenism in Ecuador and its influence on artistic manifestations


  • Estefanía Katherine Abril-Ayora National University of Education, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Gianluca Emilio Carbone-Paz National University of Education, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Luis David Bermeo-Ochoa National University of Education, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Leonardo Sebastian Fajardo-Pinos National University of Education, Azogues, Ecuador


indigenism, Eugenics, Arts


Indigenous is undoubtedly one of the artistic and social movements of great importance in Ecuador, being a process that continues to have ramifications to this day. The objective of this article is to publicize the influence of indigenism through its artists and how they have influenced the social evolution of the perception and treatment of the indigenous ethnic group. For the development of this research, the descriptive bibliographic review method has been used since it allows the presentation of concepts or ideas in relation to a topic. The development of this theme evidences the importance and influence of this movement starting from the 20th century, analyzing various points of relevance during the social - cultural current and how it has been framed today.


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How to Cite

Abril-Ayora, E. K., Carbone-Paz, G. E., Bermeo-Ochoa, L. D., & Fajardo-Pinos, L. S. (2023). Indigenism in Ecuador and its influence on artistic manifestations. Linguistics and Culture Review, 7(S1), 127-138.