The existence of lexicon Taru Pramana on Balinese traditional medicine
An ecolinguistic perspective
ecolinguistic, Taru Pramana, lexicon, traditional medicineAbstract
This paper explains the existence of lexicon Taru Pramana on Balinese traditional medicine by using ecolinguistic perspective. Taru Pramana known as medicinal plants or herbal medicine in Bali where their existence is need to be preserved as one of the cultural heritages that reflects the local wisdom. The ecolinguistic perspective help this research concern in documenting the lexicon by listing the lexicon and their benefits or functions to avoid the extinction of the use of lexicon itself. The results show that the lexicon of medicinal plants in the concept of Taru Pramana has experienced a shift in the term of their naming and functions referring to the habits of the community in modern times which caused the medical plants no longer used in traditional ways as loloh (to drink) or boreh (to rub) but through several chemical processes.
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