Indonesian netizens expressions potentially satire with the COVID-19 pandemic on social media Facebook
A digital ethnoliteration research
COVID-19, expressions, Indonesian citizens, propositions, satire, statementsAbstract
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of information is more likely to be conveyed by netizens through social media, especially Facebook. The information in question sometimes contains potentially satirical expressions. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to describe the expressions of Indonesian netizens that have the potential to be satire that cannot be separated from the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive presentation method. Research data is sourced from social media Facebook, while research data is in words, phrases, and or sentences in the form of exposed expressions. The research data collection technique applies digital exploration techniques, namely exploring and examining several statuses in expressions published on Facebook social media. The data that is considered relevant to the purpose of the research is then documented by taking a screen capture or screenshot. The data were analyzed by applying pragmasemantic techniques. The results showed that the expressions with the potential to be satirical were found with satire irony, sarcasm, innuendo, cynicism, and satire. The five types of satire are summarized as findings stated in the proposition, namely, potentially satire expressions or satire expressions.
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