Reality jurisprudence and its impact on legalizing matrimonial property


  • Salah Mohamed Moustafa Moustafa Elbahrawi Lecturer, Kulliyyah of Sharia and Law, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), 09300, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Khobaib Ali Saeed Salem Lecturer, Kulliyyah of Sharia and Law, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), 09300, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Ahmed Fathi Ramdan Abdelgayed Lecturer, Kulliyyah of Sharia and Law, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), 09300, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Ragab Abou Melih Mohamed Soliman Assoc. Prof Dr., Kulliyyah of Sharia and Law, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), 09300, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia


jurisprudence, legalization, property, reality, spouses


This research paper discusses the jurisprudence of reality and the reality of legalizing matrimonial property, along with expected familial problems upon application of matrimonial property. It concludes that it is prohibited to legalize or codify matrimonial property. The necessity of establishing research centers that follow the fatwa institutions or academies. It is no longer sufficient for understanding reality to follow up on social, historical, political, and possibly economic and medical studies subject to jurisprudence research. Rather, it has gone beyond that into the necessity of engaging realistic critical study.


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How to Cite

Elbahrawi, S. M. M. M., Salem, K. A. S., Abdelgayed, A. F. R., & Soliman, R. A. M. M. (2021). Reality jurisprudence and its impact on legalizing matrimonial property. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 2251-2258.