Al-Takyiif Al-Fiqhi (Fiqhi characterization) of matrimonial property in Islamic jurisprudence


  • Mahamed Fathy Mohamed Eletrebi Senior Lecturer, Kulliyyah of Sharia and Law, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), 09300, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Hassan Suleiman Assistant Prof, Department of Fiqh & Usul al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS), International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), 53100, Gombak, Selangor


almaslahah, Al-Takyīf al-Fiqhī, Al-ʿUrf, jurisprudential, matrimonial property, Sharīʿah


‘Urf (custom) and al-ma?lahah al-mursalah (public interest) are among the sources of law disputed by u??l?s; however, the majority of scholars are aware that public interest and its guidelines revolve around the Shar?‘ah Objectives and that custom is legally authoritative and can be referred to for judgment. It is widely known that the statement, "Al-‘?datu Muhakkamah", is one of the major universal maxims for the Shafi‘ite school. Undoubtedly, referring to ‘Urf and al-ma?lahah al-mursalah, within the legislative framework and according to the divisions recognized by u??l?s, aims at the realization of the public interests, and in some cases, private interests of certain society groups. The research seeks to reach a sound fiqhi characterization (al-taky?f al-fiqh?) for the matrimonial property in view of two sources of law, namely custom and public interest, and for the rights of each spouse to the matrimonial property while marriage exists or in case of separation due to divorce of death.


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How to Cite

Eletrebi, M. F. M., & Suleiman, H. (2021). Al-Takyiif Al-Fiqhi (Fiqhi characterization) of matrimonial property in Islamic jurisprudence. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 2195-2202.