Challenges and opportunities towards Islamic cultured generation: socio-cultural analysis
children age, digital literacy culture, English skill, foreign language, modern culture, Muslim generation, opportunities and challenges, socio-cultural studies, technology trendsAbstract
This article analyzes the phenomenon and behavior of computerization among elementary school-aged children through a literature review of culture, technology, sociology, education, and sociolinguistics. The emphasis of this analysis is from the point of view of the challenges and opportunities of preparing a cultured Islamic generation. We have found the answer to the above problem through an analysis of several publications of previous findings that we obtained through an electronic search and involving analytical studies such as coding systems, data evaluation, in-depth interpretation, and data inference as final findings with the principle of validity and alignment of findings with the problems of this study. The findings show that we have summarized technological trends among elementary school-aged children into two categories. First, digital trends positively impact digital skills development at an early age under the direction and control of educational goals. Another trend is an alarming phenomenon for children's mental and mental development because technology is not involved in the educational career, such as the freedom to use technology in children. These findings should be input and awareness for Muslim educators and families.
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