Language learning and acquisition perspectives: Exploring Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar, pinker’s cognitive aspects of language, and labov’s sociolinguistics in the post-pandemic educational context



cognitive aspects of language, language learning and acquisition perspectives, post-pandemic educational contexts, Transformational-Generative grammar, Sociolinguistics


Language acquisition and learning are cognitive processes that attracted the interest of scholars from different fields. Transformational-Generative Grammar, Cognitive Aspects of Language, and Sociolinguistics are the frameworks that the research work examines to understand their bearing on acquisition and learning given the trends in the digital and technological development. Thus, by using the qualitative research method, the study addresses the prevailing gaps and looks at the language learning and acquisition perspectives and the use of technology enhanced learning into blended learning. The results present significant responses to the outstanding questions regarding integration of cultural and language features, impact of socioeconomic factors on the equity in education, and use of technological resources. There are suggestions for derivational and adaptive educational approaches aimed at increasing the level of learners’ language proficiency. Overall, this study holds useful information for improving language learning and teaching practices in the post-pandemic educational context.  


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How to Cite

Eslit, E. R. (2024). Language learning and acquisition perspectives: Exploring Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar, pinker’s cognitive aspects of language, and labov’s sociolinguistics in the post-pandemic educational context. Linguistics and Culture Review, 9(1), 1-22.



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