From biblical texts to Balinese paintings
A systemic functional approach to the intersemiotic translation of the Parable of the Ten Virgins
Balinese painting, biblical text, intersemiotic translation, systemic functional theoryAbstract
The intersemiotic translation is defined as the interpretation of linguistics signs by means of non-verbal resources. This study aims to investigate the intersemiotic translation of linguistic texts” The Parable of the Ten Virgins” into an image system of Balinese Paintings made by Christian artist Nyoman Darsane. The approach applied in this study is derived from multimodal social semiotic theory in accordance to Halliday’s Systemic Functional Theory (SFT). The source of data is biblical texts which were taken from the New International Version of the Parable of the Ten Virgins of Matthew 25 verse 1 until 13 and its intersemiotic translation in the form Balinese painting. The result of analysis has demonstrated that the metafunctions principle of the different semiotic systems which in this case is texts and painting have complementary and compounding meaning to each other in all levels of meaning including experiential, interpersonal, and textual meanings. Even though there are some untranslated keys of information in those levels of meaning as there are omission strategy implemented from source text to the target image for various reasons such as presenting only essential information.
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