Revealing misinterpretation on the meaning of Bharata for political target by Buton to four surrounding kingdoms in the 17th - 20th centuries


  • Aderlaepe University of Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Widhiya Ninsiana State Islamic University (IAIN) Metro, Lampung, Indonesia
  • Tambunan University of Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia


Bharata, Buton Kingdom, critical discourse analysis, Muna Kingdom, political device


Language is not only used as the means of communication, but also the device of achieving dominance. This article aims at describing and analyzing the real meaning of bharata and revealing misinterpretation on the meaning of bharata by Buton Kingdom for political dominance device on four surrounding kingdoms: Muna, Tiworo, Kaledupa, and Kulisusu in the 17th – 20th centuries. The study was designed descriptive qualitativey with four steps of framework: (1) exploring data, (2) data verification, (3) analysis, and (4) writing results of analysis. Data were analyzed by applying Wodak’s critical discourse analysis approach (CDA). Results of the analysis concluded the real meaning of bharata is “front area and center of battle”. The term of bharata was firstly acquainted by Laki Laponto, the king of Buton at the beginning of 16th century when he organized military alliance by involving the four surrounding kingdoms to face Ternate’s threaten.  Since at the beginning of 17th century people of Butonese misinterpreted the meaning of bharata subjectively for political interest. Buton kingdom then established their misinterpretation instituonally and performed hegemony to the four surrounding kingdoms by the assistance of Dutch after welcoming and signing bilateral coalition with Dutch at the beginning of 17th century.


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How to Cite

Aderlaepe, A., Ninsiana, W., & Tambunan, T. (2023). Revealing misinterpretation on the meaning of Bharata for political target by Buton to four surrounding kingdoms in the 17th - 20th centuries. Linguistics and Culture Review, 7(1), 54-66.



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