Compound word Hindu religious terms in Bali
Cultural linguistic studies
compound words, Hindu religion terms, cultural linguisticsAbstract
The term Hinduism in Bali, as a religious culture, cannot be separated from the existence of the Balinese language, which has its position as the center of Balinese culture. Many Hindu religious terms in Bali are classified as compound words that need to be preserved. In connection with the importance of the study of Hindu religious compound words, there are several issues that need to be discussed which are formulated as follows: what is the structure, what is the function, and what is the meaning of compound words in Hindu religious terms in Bali? In this study, several theories and methods were used. Theories used in this study include structural linguistic theory and cultural linguistic theory. The method used includes the method of finding interview and observation data, while in the analysis of the data used descriptive qualitative methods are synchronous.
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