Religious values in Bali calligraphy
Balinese calligraphy, certain emblem, multiple consonants, religious value, sacred scriptAbstract
Balinese calligraphy or prevalently called Bali Aksara Calligraphy was born in the midst of the Bali language marginality and script conditions due to the presence of two main factors, namely internal factors, and external factors. Internal factors came from Balinese speakers who partly considered that Balinese was considered no longer economically promising. Meanwhile, external factors are caused by the nativist insistence on Indonesian as a national language and foreign language. As it is known, Bali's script calligraphy and calligraphy generally use script or letter as their basic medium. The script or letter is an emblem or symbol of the language representing the vowel sound and consonant sound that builds segments or segments in a language. A segment is built by a single vowel or a single vowel with multiple consonants. The consonant inside a segment can be in front of a vowel, behind a vowel, or flanking a vowel. The features and characters of the Balinese script differ from those of other languages in that the Balinese script is not only as a crest or symbol of sound but at once as a certain emblem.
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