Legal challenges and applications in Indonesia
Relevance of thoughts of academics, researchers, and policymakers in the era of President Jokowi
academics, challenges, experts, law application, legal, policymakingAbstract
The challenge and application of law in Indonesia is to find the relevance of the thoughts of academics, researchers, and policymakers in the Jokowi era, which is the core objective of this study. We believe that from applying the law in a country is the key to the success of leadership supported by academic thinking and government or public policymaking. For this reason, we have reviewed many of the findings of scientific studies that we have summarized from various scientific and practitioner points of view and also various views from different countries, all of which we found in various legal journal applications, books, and also websites for democracy and justice and justice. Before presenting this data as findings, we first answer high-quality questions. We have used a phenomenological approach to get the cellular data, then we have done high echolocation, coding systems, and concluding. Based on the findings of the study data and its discussion, we can summarize that the challenges of legal application in Indonesia can be seen from the irrelevance between the thoughts of academics, experts in this field, and the decision-making governments in enforcing the law in Indonesia.
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