Etymological essence of the procedural form as a factor of specification of the judge's profile in administrative proceedings



administrative proceedings, administrative process, etymological features, judge, procedural form, separate proceedings


The purpose of the study is to establish a dialectical relationship, etymological features between the certainty of the procedural form of administrative proceedings and the level of protection of citizens 'rights in the resolution of Public Law disputes, the Prevention of abuse of citizens' rights in administrative proceedings, the weight of involving a judge in resolving disputes in separate proceedings. Methodology: in the implementation of this research, general and special methods of scientific knowledge were used: the method of system analysis, the dialectical method, the formal-logical method and the structural-functional method, as well as a number of empirical methods. Results: the authors came to the conclusion that there is no normative deterministic procedure for separate separate proceedings, which does not fit into the traditional logic on the methodological basis of the stages of administrative proceedings – dispute resolution procedures with the participation of a judge, restoration of lost proceedings and execution of court orders.


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How to Cite

Vovk, P. V. (2021). Etymological essence of the procedural form as a factor of specification of the judge’s profile in administrative proceedings. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 2444-2456.