The relationship between planned behavior family factors and intention to study abroad
A survey in Vietnam
family relationship cohesion, intention, student, study abroad, theory of planned behavior, university, VietnamAbstract
This study explores the relationship between planned behaviour, i.e. attitude towards behaviour, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control and coherence towards intention to enrich the literature - Vietnamese students studying abroad at university. In addition, the study also explores the factors related to family cohesion to the intention of Vietnamese students to study abroad. This study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey using a targeted sampling technique (n=350). The SEM model was used to test the hypotheses. The SEM model proved that: The decisive factor affects the intention to study abroad with the coefficient of Regression Weight = 0.222. The subjective norm factor (norm) affects the intent variable with the coefficient of Regression Weight = 0.138; The behavioural intention control factor affects the intent factor with Regression Weights = 0.276; The factor through family cohesion (cohesion) affects the intent factor with Regression Weights = 0.159. The conclusions of this study provide valuable data for study abroad managers, universities, study abroad consulting service providers and families who want to invest in their children to study abroad.
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