Understanding the concept of Islamic education for millennial in Indonesia



  • Selviyanti Kaawoan IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Najamuddin Petta Solong IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Achmad Zayul Mustain University PGRI of Banyuwangi, Indonesia
  • Nur Ainiyah Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung


concept, Islamic education, literature review, millennial generation


The core discussion of this study is on understanding the concept of Islamic education for the millennial generation in Indonesia. The author believes that the idea of teaching Islamic education for the millennial generation is undoubtedly different from the teaching methods of the previous generation. For this reason, we have presented a series of data from previous studies, issues, and characteristics of teaching Islamic education in a modern way. Some literary sources the author found by searching online on several well-known publications such as Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Academic Edu, ERIC, and many data from websites. After reviewing and discussing the data, involving in-depth evaluation under a phenomenological approach, the writers obtain valid and up-to-date finding data. Based on the exposure data, we get models and characteristics of Islamic education in the millennial generation, including educational systems and methods that are suitable for millennial children; freedom of questioning and exploration methods, personal, independent learning by relying on fast and instant information, hyper-technology-based learning, rich in ideas and exploratory approaches. Thus, this finding becomes an essential input in developing Islamic studies for the millennial generation in the future.


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How to Cite

Kaawoan, S., Solong, N. P., Mustain, A. Z., Ainiyah, N., & Nugraha, A. R. (2021). Understanding the concept of Islamic education for millennial in Indonesia. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 1426-1438. https://doi.org/10.21744/lingcure.v5nS4.1886



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