A graphic novel as a popular genre of book publishing in the context of modern design




book illustration, emanate, graphic narrative, multimodality, synergy


The relevance of the research is due both to the lack of research that would comprehend a graphic novel as an independent phenomenon and subject of art history, the youth of the genre, and its relative non-proliferation in the Ukrainian literary space. The vast majority of Russian publications touch on the analysis of specific graphic novels in the context of modern literary studies, which focuses on the narrative and ideological components of individual works without taking into account the role of the visual component for the genre as a whole. In this regard, the article is aimed at identifying the essence of the graphic novel, its differences from the classic for book design relationships of illustration and text, clarifying the nature and role of its communication and semantic saturation taking into account the functions of design as a form of communication, highlighting the unique characteristics of the genre against the background of the traditional genre means and searching for the information and aesthetic potential of the graphic novel in the practice of Ukrainian book design.


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How to Cite

Oliinyk, V. (2021). A graphic novel as a popular genre of book publishing in the context of modern design. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 942-954. https://doi.org/10.21744/lingcure.v5nS4.1742