Parental belief towards online-based language learning amidst the pandemic
A quantitative analysis of differences across educational attainments
belief, educational attainment, online learning, online-based language instruction, parentsAbstract
The pandemic had impeded the accustomed, traditional face-to-face synchronous modality of instruction. Attributable to the impediment, a revolutionized modality of pedagogy had to be conceptualized and subsequently adopted to ascertain that education does not halt. To date, the state-of-the-art technology provides the optimal option as a route the education sector could take. Though indirectly, parents – being one of the stakeholders of education – had to be involved in the business of educating the next generation. Along these claims, the present study investigated the beliefs of parents towards online-based language pedagogy. A total of 120 respondents of varying educational attainments ranging from elementary, secondary, tertiary, and postgraduate were surveyed online via an adapted research instrument, named as PBOBLLQ. The current paper employed a descriptive quantitative method which aids in shedding light on the beliefs of parents towards online-based language instruction. Also, a significant difference in the parents’ beliefs across educational attainment was confirmed.
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