The application of digital technologies in teaching a foreign language in a blended learning environment
distance learning, electronic textbooks, foreign language teaching, foreign language, interactive publicationsAbstract
Currently, many different approaches to higher education are being discussed with the requirements of the educational authorities. The importance and necessity of meeting the educational needs of the population, ensuring access to quality education and integrating education and science and technology are usually emphasised. Purpose of the study: to identify the specific features of the use of electronic textbooks (interactive publications) for teaching a foreign language on different online platforms in a distance learning environment. A systematic review can be explained as a research method and process for identifying and critically evaluating relevant studies and for collecting and analysing data from identified studies. Educational materials need to be used on time and the spot. The Pinboard method can be used to increase the efficiency of the lesson. The word "pinboard" comes from the English language and means "pinboard backing", "pin board". The essence of this teaching method is that discussion and learning dialogue are connected practically. Its strengths are its developmental and educational functions. Students will develop a culture of communication and discussion, the ability to express themselves not only orally, but also in writing, and the ability to think logically and systematically.
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