Promoting English learning from home to Indonesian families: an alternative approach to learning foreign languages at an early age
early age, foreign language home learning, promotion of learningAbstract
This paper will describe an alternative approach to promoting English as a foreign language from an early age among Indonesian families. We are aware that several approaches have been taken by researchers, curriculum writers, and school teachers, but in reality, the success has not been as satisfying as the expectations of all parties, especially the government. Therefore, we have collected data and analyzed it under a descriptive qualitative study approach. Data analysis starts from applying data coding, critical interpretation, evaluation, and data organization to become valid, finding data to answer questions as above. Based on research evidence from hundreds of works of literature, we can conclude from the results of this study, among other things, that the approach to promoting English language learning in families at an early age has proven to be very successful compared to the approach to learning in schools when they are teenagers. Thus, it is hoped that this finding will be beneficial for many parties; curriculum designers, teachers, and parents.
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