The linguistic politeness having seen on the current study issue


  • Decca Borris Canada Institute of Linguistics, Langley Township, Canada
  • Charles Zecho Canada Institute of Linguistics, Langley Township, Canada


communication, context, human, linguistics, politeness


The current issue is overviewed in this paper about the linguistics politeness. Positive politeness strategies seek to minimize the threat to the hearer's positive face. These strategies are used to make the hearer feel good about themselves, their interests or possessions, and are most usually used in situations where the audience knows each other fairly well. In sociolinguistics and conversation analysis (CA), politeness strategies are speech acts that express concern for others and minimize threats to self-esteem ("face") in particular social contexts. Being polite means being aware of and respecting the feelings of other people. Politeness can and will improve your relationships with others, help to build respect and rapport, boost your self-esteem and confidence, and improve your communication skills. Importance of Politeness in Life. Politeness is a great virtue. But a polite person will always please others with his polite behavior and good manners. Politeness means consideration for the feelings of others. Politeness is one of the central features of human communication. It is a human phenomenon, yet expressed differently in different cultures. Positive politeness refers to an atmosphere of inclusion and mutuality created by linguistic means such as compliments, encouragement, joking, even the use of "white lies."


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How to Cite

Borris, D. ., & Zecho, C. . (2018). The linguistic politeness having seen on the current study issue. Linguistics and Culture Review, 2(1), 32-44.



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