CLM English teaching and learning guidelines for undergraduate students in social studies at Phutthachinnarat Sangha College, MCU
cooperative learning, English teaching, Sangha College, ThailandAbstract
At Phutthachinnarat Sangha College (PSC), Thailand, there is a diversity of students from monastic and secular educational backgrounds, causing learning management, particularly teaching English, more difficult compared with other institutions. To understand and improve this educational context, in this paper, we provide the guidelines for English teaching and learning by means of Cooperative Learning Management (CLM) for undergraduate students majoring in Bachelor Program in Social Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, (MCU), PSC. In so doing, the overview of English teaching and learning in the studied site will be provided and thereafter CLM together with Learning Together Technique (LTT) will be discussed.
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