Conceptual blending on hotels’ websites advertisement

A cognitive semantics perspective


  • Ni Nyoman Tri Sukarsih Dhyana Pura University, Badung, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Diana Erfiani Dhyana Pura University, Badung, Indonesia
  • Yohanes Octovianus L. Awololon Universitas Dhyana Pura, Badung, Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Lindawati Akademisi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia
  • Cakra Sagiarta Lee Dhyana Pura University, Badung, Indonesia
  • Ni Nyoman Ari Indra Dewi Universitas Dhyana Pura, Badung, Indonesia


advertisements, cognitive semantics, conceptual blending, hotel website


Meaning construction undergoes complex processes of cognitive linguistic analysis by analyzing the subject through a mental process that is based on analysis of background knowledge and culture. The study aimed to investigate the interpretation of cognitive semantics analysis that was based on local hotels' websites in Bali by utilizing the CBT from Fauconnier & Turner. The study employed a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a non-participant observation data collecting method and a non-probability sampling method on five selected data. The study showed that CBT brought more comprehensive meaning elaboration from written messages supported by any elements of the advertisement's illustration.


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How to Cite

Sukarsih, N. N. T., Erfiani, N. M. D., Awololon, Y. O. L., Lindawati, N. P., Lee, C. S., & Dewi, N. N. A. I. (2024). Conceptual blending on hotels’ websites advertisement: A cognitive semantics perspective. Linguistics and Culture Review, 8(1), 1-16.



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