Analysis of mathematical spatial ability in terms of choleric and melancholic personality types in junior high school students



geometry, junior high school, mathematical spatial ability, personality type, students


Mathematics is one of the subjects that occupies an important role in the world of education. Geometry is a part of mathematics that can hone spatial skills. Variations in spatial abilities differ in students depending on personality type. The purpose of the study was to determine the students' mathematical spatial ability in terms of choleric and melancholic personality types in geometry. This type of research is qualitative research with data obtained through questionnaires, tests, and interviews. Data were analyzed by data triangulation. From this data, it is analyzed and triangulation process is carried out. The results showed: (1) the mathematical spatial abilities of students with choleric personality were categorized as good, which were able to identify, classify, imagine, construct and present geometric shapes and have not been able to state the position of the elements; (2) The mathematical spatial ability of students with melancholic personality types, namely being able to state the position of the elements of a spatial structure, being able to identify, classify, imagine a shape or position, be able to construct and represent a spatial image and be able to investigate a spatial image.


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How to Cite

Listiwikono, E. (2022). Analysis of mathematical spatial ability in terms of choleric and melancholic personality types in junior high school students. Linguistics and Culture Review, 6(S5), 194-204.