English language teaching methodology for non-native speakers



  • Kaipbergenova Dilbar Orakbayevna Teacher at the department"Practical English", Tashkent State Technical University after named I.Karimov, Uzbekistan
  • MirzakulovIlxom Normuminovich Senior Teacher at the department "Foreign languages", Tashkent state technical university named after I.Karimov, Uzbekistan
  • Maxmudova Zulfiya Muxiddinovna Senior Teacher at the department "Foreign languages", Tashkent state technical university named after I.Karimov, Uzbekistan


ESL, language teaching, mandatory, methodology, non-native speaker


Main aim of the study was focused on the non-native English speakers and the difficulties they face while learning English as a second language (ESL) and the part of teachers. It is generally felt that the English language plays a vital role in the job market so it is mandatory to learn the language. when the students enroll for the courses to develop the language most of the time, they do not succeed because of various reasons like affecting teaching, lack of motivation, lack of practice sessions, poor training modules, etc. The method of relying on physical actions (Total physical response - TPR)developed by psychologist Jit is based on structural linguistics, behaviorism, and the humanistic direction in teaching, as well as on the position of psychology on the coordination of speech and physical actions that accompany it. The method develops the ideas of the natural method. Its essence lies in the fact that when teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to simulate the process of mastering children's native language, which is assimilated in parallel with the performance of appropriate physical actions. The perception of structures is facilitated if it is accompanied by actions performed by the teacher and students.


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How to Cite

Orakbayevna, K. D., Normuminovich, M., & Muxiddinovna, M. Z. (2021). English language teaching methodology for non-native speakers. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 1721-1725. https://doi.org/10.21744/lingcure.v5nS3.1991



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