Indonesian language teaching in elementary school
Cooperative learning model explicit type instructions chronological technique of events on narrative writing skills from interview texts
chronological technique, elementary school, learning models, narrative paragraphs, writing skillsAbstract
In learning activities, there is often a learning saturation that arises from students. This can be triggered by various things. Therefore, as a researcher, he took the initiative to apply modeling in learning, especially in language learning. Thus, the purpose of this research is the application of an explicit type of cooperative learning model instructions chronological technique of events in writing narratives from interview texts. This research is applied or piloted to students consisting of several schools in Indonesia as well as the object of research. The research instrument is the researcher himself as the key/main instrument. In addition, the researcher was also assisted by several other teams of research students and teachers from local schools. Based on the results of research through testing the model, it is categorized that there is a significant increase in learning. It can be seen that the average score of students reaches 85% of the maximum threshold of 90%. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the model is considered successful and can be applied in various schools in the world.
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