University graduate career potential in digital transformation period

Features and problems of formation


  • Mariya N. Prozorova Kirov State Medical University, Kirov, Russia
  • Anatoly D. Zharkov Moscow State Institute of Culture, Khimki, Russia
  • Alena A. Zharkova Moscow State Institute of Culture, Khimki, Russia
  • Vinera A. Khamdamova Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi, Kokand, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Sarvinoz O. Sattorova Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi, Kokand, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Valerii S. Losev Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia


career potential, digital transformation, personal resource, self-development, university graduates


The student personal and professional development becomes even more meaningful and, based on the peculiarities of the world development in general, becomes one of the most important tasks of modern higher education, the main goal and direction of which is based on humanistic-personal orientation. Building a career is one of the main concerns not only for working professionals, but also for potential employees, including graduates who are on the cusp of entering professional life.  The article aims to identify the characteristics of the career potential of university graduates. A questionnaire method was used as a research method allowing effective identifying of the perceptions’ characteristics about a graduate's career potential.  The article identifies student opportunities for self-actualization and self-realization in the professional environment in a time of digital transformation of various spheres of life. The authors of the experiment revealed that graduates who showed high levels of readiness for career development have a more formed idea of the desires associated with the development of their career potential, the goals of their activities, and aspire, seek new things, constantly are engaged in self-development.


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How to Cite

Prozorova, M. N., Zharkov, A. D., Zharkova, A. A., Khamdamova, V. A., Sattorova, S. O., & Losev, V. S. (2021). University graduate career potential in digital transformation period: Features and problems of formation. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 1574-1585.



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