Open access information as a platform for sustainable development
Perspectives from selected institutions in India
academic library, information need, open access resources, open access, open course ware (OCW), search engine, subject gateway, sustainable developmentAbstract
Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions, what makes it possible are the internet and the consent of the author or copyright holder. In most fields, scholarly journals do not pay authors, who can, therefore, consent to OA without losing revenue. In this respect, scholars and scientists are very differently situated from most musicians and movie-makers, and controversies about open access to music and movies do not carry over to research literature. Open access is entirely compatible with peer review, and all the major open access initiatives for scientific and scholarly literature insist on its importance, just as authors of journal articles donate their labor, journal editors, and referees participating in peer review. The study shows that out of 456 respondents considered for the study 203 [44.5%] belongs to Arts, 169 [37.1%] belong to Science, 33 [7.2%] Education and 51 [11.2%] belongs to Management. The findings of the study also show that out of 456 respondents considered for the study among which 81 [17.8%] belong to the M. Phil program, 102 [22.4%] belong to Ph.D. Program and 273 [59.9%] are faculty members.
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