Psychological foundations of decision-making in the field of financial activity
decision-making mechanism, financial activity, financial decisions, influencing factors, psychologyAbstract
The article examines the psychological foundations of decision-making in the field of financial activity. It was concluded that the psychological foundations of the formation of financial self-control are based on personal perception of the situation with the planning and distribution of finances. One's own awareness of the process of the need to organize financial control for oneself as such is more effective than other borrowed strategies. Having come to the conclusion that it is necessary to control their financial income and expenses, a person can create a system for himself that will allow him to form his own budget, make financial decisions in a timely and competent manner, as well as develop his own financial behavior strategy that makes it possible to build a progressively developing system of expenses and financial income. Financial self-discipline strategies are used spontaneously and often. However, when it comes to the effectiveness of these strategies to achieve financial goals, the personal strategies that people have already used outperformed the strategies suggested to them in the study.
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