The use of persuasive sentences for the tourism industry
attracting customers, imperative sentences, websiteAbstract
The use of imperative sentences is very important especially in attracting customers for any business. Especially for the business in the tourism industry how to attract customers is very important. That is why this research is very important to be conducted therefore the people who have I have businesses in the tourism industries know how to attract people using the imperative sentences in their website. The research will divide the imperative sentences into rationalization, identification, giving advice, confirmation, compensation, projection, and a replacement found on the website of the hotels and resorts in the village of Kenderan. It is found out that the hotels and resorts in the Village use these sentences to attract more visitors to stay in their hotel or resort. So it is suggested that the business owner, especially the owner of the hotels and feel like in this village. Keep using imperative sentences on the other website to attract more customers. For example, the technique of rationalization is very useful to attract more customers because the customer feels that they can feel or they image in the situation that they will have if they stay in the resort.
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