Work life quality of organisation's employees as a condition for establishing an internal image of the organisation


  • Aisylu Mirzarifovna Nagimova Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of General and Ethnic Sociology, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications, Kazan Federal University, Russia


components internal image, image, organisation image, quality work, representation, reputation


One of the most important tasks of corporate governance is to create a positive image of their organisation both in the external environment and in-house. In recent years, a large number of studies aimed at the study and assessment of external corporate images is complemented by studies of internal corporate image, as only their simultaneous improvement can achieve a high competitiveness level of an organisation in the external market and reach stability and high potential for the development of the organisation itself. One of the most important factors used in the formation of a corporate internal image is employee satisfaction with the quality of their work life, namely, working conditions, motivation system, the prevailing social and psychological climate, etc. All these internal image factors are the indicators of work life quality and are reflected in corporate loyalty of employees, which to a great extent is a key indicator of company's internal image. The presented paper is devoted to sociological analysis reviewing the impact caused by work life quality of employees on the formation and maintenance of the internal image their companies have, based on the author's specific sociological research conducted with the use of quantitative analysis methods.


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How to Cite

Nagimova, A. M. (2021). Work life quality of organisation’s employees as a condition for establishing an internal image of the organisation. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 1032-1039.