Linguistic incentive category: definition and classification: example of different systematic languages
category, discourse, linguoculture, modality, motivation category, sentence semantics, structure, textAbstract
The article discusses the difference between the category of motivation and the modality, that is, it is a type of speech act in which the speaker's wishes, desires, wills, and intentions are given to the listener. While modality refers to the speaker’s response to the content of a sentence, the urge is expressed as the speaker’s command to the listener. The reason why motivation is separated from modality as a separate category is that it combines several elements under a common motivational semaphore, which on the one hand motivates the addressee to do something as part of a complex whole, but on the other hand they do not intersect. Each component has its own specific motivation, for example: command, request, permission, prohibition, advice, warning, and so on. Motivation as an independent category has a communicative semantic tone and its own structure. The structure of the motivation category consists of a combination of content, transmission, and expression. The content side consists of communicative pragmatic and semantic components, the delivery plan consists of a field of language units that reflect the meaning of the impulse, and the expressive aspect consists of phonological, intonation and graphic parts.
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