Comparative analysis: to and ni as case particles in Japanese
accusative meaning, alatif meaning, case particles, citation meaning, commitative meaning, Japanese sentence, partner meaning, purpose meaning, sentence structuresAbstract
This study focuses on particles To and Ni as case particles that function to express the relationship between nouns and predicates in a sentence focusing on the comparative analysis of the two case particles. Based on Tsujimura's opinion, it can be said that in Japanese, case particles are part of a phrase. Case particle is related to the function of the words in the sentence. The method used to analyze the data is Agih method (distributional method). Advanced analysis techniques with substitution techniques were applied in this study. This technique is used to study a case particle in the Japanese sentence structure. This research produces several things that are expected to be helpful to readers. To and Ni case particles can replace each other for the context of sentences that have the following meanings: Pairs Meaning, Translative Meaning, Accusative Meaning, and Ablative Meaning. But on the other hand, To and Ni as case particles can not substitution each other. Especially sentences with the following meanings: accusative meaning, commitative meaning, partner meaning, citation meaning, alatif meaning, purpose meaning, time markers meaning, diathesis on passive sentences, diathesis on causative sentences, dative meaning, and locative meaning.
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