Reflections about the cultural differences of the Otavaleños and the Cofánes


  • Jennifer Marcela Berrezueta-Guaricela Universidad Nacional de Educación, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Edith Gabriela Mejía-Chico Universidad Nacional de Educación, Azogues, Ecuador
  • José Andrés Minchala-Orellana Universidad Nacional de Educación, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Doménica Valeria Quintuña-Peñafiel Universidad Nacional de Educación, Azogues, Ecuador


otavalo, Cofán, traditions, customs, identity


The following review article presents the topic of the ancestral peoples of Ecuador such as the Otavalos and Cofánes, cultures that are identified by their traditions and customs that make them unique and incomparable within the country and on a global scale. The present study focused on analyzing the differences that exist between these cultures, for which the bibliographical research of the different digital repositories of some universities was used, where the transfer technique was used, which consists of the collection, analysis and systematization of the information. obtained. The results of this research let us know that both the Otavaleña and Cofán cultures are very different from each other, since their cultural identity has been forged over time, developing customs and traditions that attribute to the consolidation as ancestral peoples. . In the same way, due to the diversity that exists, they have stood out from other cultures for their clothing and gastronomy, but, above all, for their worldview. It is for this reason that it is considered important to publicize this type of research focused on the ancestral communities of Ecuador, since it is practical to know their traditions and customs so as not to disrespect their culture.


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How to Cite

Berrezueta-Guaricela, J. M., Mejía-Chico, E. G., Minchala-Orellana, J. A., & Quintuña-Peñafiel, D. V. (2023). Reflections about the cultural differences of the Otavaleños and the Cofánes. Linguistics and Culture Review, 7(S1), 107-115. Retrieved from