Errors of using Balinese in Awig-Awig
This paper accounts for the errors of using Balinese in Awig-awig. It focuses on kinds and causes of errors found in the Awig-awig as regulations of the Balinese traditional villages. Using the data taken from the Awig-awigs of Munggu, Beringkit and Sobangan traditional villages, and applying the theory of error analysis by Richard as well as adopting the thought of linguistics knowledge from Van Valin and Randy (1999) and Warna (1983), it was found that there were three kinds of errors of using Balinese in the data. They involve: phonological, morphological and syntactical errors. The syntactical errors cover illogical sentences, ineffective sentences, addition, omission and errors in parallelism. The errors were mostly caused by the lack of language competence on linguistics of the writers.
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