Acoustic features of phonemes as therapy reference for dysarthria disorder: the case of /r/ alveolar trill
acoustic features, dysarthria, phonemes, therapyAbstract
The increasing global competitiveness demands the development and improvement of self-quality, particularly the quality of self-performance. Dysarthria is one of the speech disorders that often provides significant obstacles to the sufferer's performance. For this reason, this study was intended as an initial study to investigate differences in the acoustic features of both contoid and vocoid phonemes produced by dysarthria and non-dysarthria as well as provide therapy suggestions to minimize the disorder. The scope of the study was limited to the case of /r/ alveolar trill dysarthria. This study was designed using a descriptive qualitative approach with field methods. In collecting data, the observation (simak) method was used to collect data in the form of contoid and vocoid phonemes produced by 4 dysarthria samples and 4 non-dysarthria samples. The collected data then went through the analysis with the extralingual and intralingual equivalent methods. The results showed that the inability to produce phoneme /r/ alveolar trill could be detected by observing the differences in the acoustic features of the alveolar and vocoid phonemes produced by both dysarthria and non-dysarthria samples.
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