Implementation of Java cultural education in elementary school in Yogyakarta


  • Sawitri Veterans University, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
  • Nuryani Tri Rahayu Veterans University, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
  • Endang Fatmawati Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Mohamad Zaelani Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Elihami Elihami Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang. Indonesia
  • Muchamad Arif Trunojoyo University, Indonesia


education, elementary school, implementation, Javanese cultural


The purpose of the study was to describe the implementation of Javanese cultural education in elementary schools in Yogyakarta. The research method is a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used field observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Analysis of the data that has been collected is reduced and presented. Conclusions on the implementation of Javanese education and culture are as follows: (1). Implementation of the school's vision, mission and goals (2). Curriculum development in Javanese cultural education (3). Javanese cultural education learning (4). Habituation in Javanese cultural educators. Supporting factors are (a) good school background (b). Local government regulations support (c). Complete facilities and infrastructure (d) support from all school components (e). Good school management 6). Students come from Javanese society. Inhibiting factor (a). There are no expert instructors (b). There are no standard guidelines (c). Student interest is changing, (d). Lack of teachers in developing Javanese cultural education (e). Not maximal in utilizing learning media.


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How to Cite

Sawitri, S., Rahayu, N. T., Fatmawati, E., Zaelani, M., Elihami, E., & Arif, M. (2021). Implementation of Java cultural education in elementary school in Yogyakarta. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 1285-1298.