The analysis model of impolite Indonesian language use
analysis model, impolite language, Indonesian language, interpreting, polite languageAbstract
This research was based on the reality of the use of Indonesian language on social media that was vulgar, destructive, full of blasphemy, scorn, sarcasm, and tended to be provocative. This condition has destructive power because it spreads very quickly and is capable of arousing very strong emotions. This article aimed at presenting the results of research on the analysis model of impolite Indonesian language use. This model was developed from tracing status on social media which included language impoliteness in 2019. The novelty of this analysis model was that it involved a factor of power that allowed the appearance of such impolite speech. Therefore, this model is composed of several stages. First, presenting text in the form of spoken, written, and visual texts. Second, transcribing texts. Third, interpreting language impoliteness. At the interpreting stage, the impoliteness of the speeches was carried out by: (1) analyzing the contexts, (2) analyzing the power, (3) analyzing the dictions and language styles that contained impoliteness, (4) analyzing ethical speech acts, and (5) manipulating language politeness. From these language manipulation efforts, they were made to habituate language discipline to create a polite language society.
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