The throwing modification sports game in improving mild mental disabled student gross motoric skills
game modification, gross motoric, mental disabled, motoric skills, sports gameAbstract
This study aims to improve gross motor skills by modifying the sport of throwing. Children of intellectual disability (ID) were given treatment with a modification of the game of throwing with the population of this study is mild mentally disabled students in special needs children school 01 South Jakarta, with sample selection using total sampling, where the sample was 14 boys of students and 6 girls of students. The method that is used in this research is quantitative descriptive with experiment and One Group Pretest–Posttest Design. The research was occurred by giving the preliminary test and continued with the treatment as the final test. The form of the initial test (pre-test) was a shooting test which was conducted with five times of shooting in 2 meters of distance expecting there is an increase of throwing from the pretest to the posttest. The data analysis technique used is by using the T-test. The data average result before the game modification or pretest is 2.35 and the results of the posttest obtained an average value of 3.30.
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