Distance learning of foreign languages for students of economic specialties
communicative competence, English learning, motivation, online education, teaching modelAbstract
Distance education at lightning-fast speed has become the only possible form of education. Distance learning of a foreign language for students of higher educational institutions has a number of advantages due to the fact that we are talking about pedagogical interaction with the age group of psychologically mature individuals with relatively formed mechanisms of motivation and outlined personal and professional orientation. The purpose of the present research is a comprehensive analysis of the process and results of distance learning of a foreign language (English) for students of economic specialties. The research methods are as follows: the analysis of modern opportunities for organizing distance learning; study of theoretical and methodological papers on the subject matter; method of experimental teaching of foreign languages with an emphasis on tactics of stimulating the personal and motivational sphere of students’ educational activities; development of author’s diagnostic models in order to reveal the dynamics of development of knowledge and practical skills in a foreign language of students of economic profile; qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical data; statistical and mathematical interpretation of results, their functional analysis; method of generalization and abstraction. According to the data obtained, the hypothesis of the research has been confirmed.
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