Gender inequality in Assam

factors affecting women’s political participation in electoral politics


  • Mabrur Ahmed Research Scholar, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Moorthy Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India


Assam, elections, factors, inequality, political participation, women


Democracy may be seen as a critical component of human development in its broadest sense. It is a need for human advancement. Democracy contributes to the achievement of the broader objectives of society’s growth. In a democratic society, everyone, including men and women, is encouraged to take an active role in the free and fair election of their representatives. Everyone in the world benefits from democracy because it ensures that everyone has the same opportunities for success, equal rights, and the opportunity to participate in government activities, as well as a society that is free from prejudice. Contrast to this fundamental concept of democracy, women are more obviously barred from participation in politics and from many aspects of everyday life in a nation like India. Women in India are dissatisfied with national, state, and even municipal politics, despite the fact that over half of the country’s women are still barred from participating in policy and decision-making. Similarly, Assam, India’s north-eastern state, is not an exception in this respect. Accordingly, in this article an attempt has been made here to explore the extent of participation of women in political activities as well as the factors influencing participating of women in politics.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, M., & Moorthy, R. (2021). Gender inequality in Assam: factors affecting women’s political participation in electoral politics. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S2), 922-933.