Strategies to grow a proud attitude towards Indonesian cultural diversity



cultural diversity, Indonesian culture, national culture


Indonesia has a diversity of cultures from all over the archipelago. Every citizen must play an active role in maintaining and preserving national identity. The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review on strategies to foster a proud attitude towards Indonesia’s cultural diversity. The research method uses a literature review with an exploratory approach so that different perspectives can be explained. Data were collected through literature studies related to the topic of cultural diversity through relevant books and journals. The conclusion is that cultural diversity attracts other nations to visit Indonesia so that it becomes the nation’s superior and strength. Forms of cultural diversity and forms of cultural love can grow and strengthen national values. These include folk songs, regional dances, traditional musical instruments, as well as various other local wisdom. 


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How to Cite

Fatmawati, E. (2021). Strategies to grow a proud attitude towards Indonesian cultural diversity. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S1), 810-820.