Problems of concluding business contracts in electronic form
contract form, electronic digital signature, business contracts, international agreements, electronic document managementAbstract
Due to the evolution of modern technologies, first of all the internet, new business opportunities are emerging. Therefore, there is a need to find new forms of concluding contracts. To save time, more and more contracts are concluded in electronic form. In addition, in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the use of electronic signatures in business operations. Therewith, an electronic signature of documents is a convenient alternative to handwritten signatures. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the problems of concluding business contracts in electronic form and a comparative legal study of the legislation of Austria, Great Britain, Germany, France, and Ukraine regarding the conclusion of such contracts at the international and European levels. The study is based on a systematic approach that helps to comprehensively study the problems of concluding business contracts in electronic form. Furthermore, the study is based on the laws and principles of dialectics, which also contribute to the study of the problems of concluding business contracts in electronic form.
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