The business entity model development in the market-driven health sector


  • Dahlan Fanani Universitas Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Julizar Idris Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
  • Ramlan Siregar Institut STIAMI, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • A. Rahim Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Zaman Zaini Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Banten, Indonesia


business, community health care, government, health sector, hospital


The business entity model development in the market-driven health sector must be carried out on a condition that the poor and other need a help are guaranteed the health service access. In this case, the Social Safety Net (JPS) concept is known. In addition, a lot of experts argue, including Anthony Culyer from the University of York stating that various public services in health services are still obliged to be provided by the government that determining the fair budget distribution. The financing system for the poor must still be maintained through various mechanisms, for example by: (1) the government subsidy through the central tax mechanism, local revenue, foreign assistance; or (2) from humanity fund. In order to develop a fund source for health services that lead to the mutual cooperation principle, the capable central or regional government can enact the regulations that order the community having a health service assurance. The health assurance membership is a mandatory, because the Indonesian culture is still unfamiliar with the disease risk management. Currently, the voluntary health assurance and Community Health Care (JPKM) entity tend to experience difficulties developing widely, especially in operating the low-income segment.


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How to Cite

Fanani, D., Idris, J., Siregar, R., Rahim, A., & Zaini, Z. (2021). The business entity model development in the market-driven health sector. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 65-73.